I'm a programmer first and foremost... give me a laptop with an IDE and let me get in the zone and start coding. I also enjoy the design aspect of application or eLearning development, coming up with new methods and layouts to grab a user's attention and experience an application in a fun, intuitive way.

Outside of work you can find me going to the latest movie, reading a good book on the beach, going for a hike, or just hanging out - listening to music.


The projects listed below are combination of work, school, and personal projects I worked on either solely or part of a team. The majority of the work projects were either client facing or internal business applications so some logos and designs are masked for confidentiality.

  • Work

  • Individual

  • 2015 - 2019

Event Mobile Apps

  • Built cross-platform mobile apps for Apple and Android devices to be used at business and client sponsored event apps

  • Features included event registration, scheduling, attendee chat and image sharing, venue map and information, and push notifications

  • Separate administration portal built in .NET for event coordinators to track and manage shared data, view app metrics and dynamically send out push notifications

  • Multiple individual apps were designed and built over 4 year span for different events. Each app took 1-2 month design and development time depending on requested features and app store review times.

  • Technologies used: Visual Studio, Xamarin, Azure

  • Work

  • Individual

  • 2005 - present

Webform Email System

  • Helped design and develop solution for 2000+ front-line agents across 5 global call center locations to submit additional information to process customer claims. Not all agents had access to email and those that did would miss important details or information in the requests or send to wrong email mailbox.

  • Built series of web-based forms that captured all required information for specific issue. Started as 10 templates and has grown to over 145 templates with over 65,000 submissions a month.

  • Forms and email distribution consisted of complex branching scenarios based on selections.

  • A form submission log tracking database was created along with a reporting dashboard for operational teams to report on any individual templates.

  • Continue to update and create new forms as needed.

  • Technologies used: Visual Studio, .NET / C#, Bootstrap, Microsoft SQL, Power BI

  • Work

  • Individual

  • 2019 - present

Content Management / Resource System

  • Designed and developed a content management resource system for our marketing and sales teams to share and distribute links, documents, and videos to our clients.

  • System needed to be dynamic where new clients could be added instantly and branded for external client with their logo and color schemes. New content needed to also be added and shared instantly.

  • Features in built system included dynamic client page builder, individual client-code system that could be shared to view specific client content and disabled instantly to restrict access.

  • Developed an administration portal for marketing and sales team to upload and maintain content, create new client pages, create and manage shared client codes.

  • Continue to maintain and update with new features as needed.

  • Initial build took 3 months design and development.

  • Technologies used: Visual Studio, .NET / C#, Bootstrap, Microsoft SQL, Vimeo API

  • Work

  • Team

  • 2019

Gamified Onboarding Tracking

  • Asked to design and develop a gamified approach to track and manage a 6-week onboarding process for new sales hires.

  • Created new Monopoly style game called Onboardopoly where new hires would start game where board contained special spaces consisting of the tasks they needed to perform over their 6-week onboarding. Upon completion of tasks and other spaces on game board new hire would gain “game-money” that they could use to purchase company merchandise.

  • Game was huge success both with new hires and leadership.

  • My contribution to project was to design and develop the necessary tracking infrastructure and programming to track new hire’s progress in the game including completed tasks, position in the board, and accumulated points. Also develop an administration portal for sales management to oversee each new hires progress and verify completed tasks.

  • Built custom login page with company Single-Sign-On (SSO) to authenticate each new hire and track their game progress in database.

  • Designed and developed custom API to constantly read and update game data during play. Integrated API with authoring tool used to build and launch game (Articulate Storyline 360).

  • Entire game took 6 months design and development time from concept to launch.

  • Technologies used: Visual Studio, .NET / C#, Javascript, Microsoft SQL

  • Work

  • Team

  • 2018

Virtual Escape Room Game

  • Requested by client to design and develop an engaging in-store gamified training experience for employees to take on their mobile devices.

  • Designed a virtual escape room scenario based on client’s actual store layout. Four 3D virtual rooms modeled with specific themed activities player had to solve to escape and complete game. Each activity was based on knowledge employee was expected to learn or should already know ranging from store policies and procedures to specific client plan knowledge.

  • Game was timed and leaderboard showing top performers was displayed after completion of game ranking individual employees, stores, and districts.

  • My contribution to project was to design and development the tracking infrastructure and programming to track each employees completion information including their name, completion time and client metrics (store number, district, and region). Tracking was integrated in authoring tool for game (Articulate Storyline 360) and separate dashboard was built for management to view all game tracking completion data and a leaderboard was built for players and stores to view their rankings.

  • Entire game took 3 months design and development time from concept to launch.

  • Game was showcased at Learning Guild DevLearn Conference and won Best Game Design in 2019.

  • Technologies used: Visual Studio, .NET / C#, Javascript, Microsoft SQL, Blender, Photoshop

  • Work

  • Individual

  • 2016 - present

Device Replacement Calculators

  • Asked to design and develop specialized calculators for clients’ in-store employees to show customers the out-of-pocket savings they would have if they purchased a protection plan and their device needed to be replaced or repaired.

  • Calculators were specifically designed and branded per client and programmed to calculate based on device tiers, plan rates, and type of claim.

  • Each calculator took 2-3 week design and development time.

  • Rates and devices updated monthly via JSON file that is uploaded to each calculator to keep current.

  • Technologies used: Visual Studio, .NET / C#, Javascript, Bootstrap

  • Work

  • Individual

  • Dates varied

Knowledge Transfer / Special Projects

  • One-off, single use projects where I was requested to design and develop web-based tools or applications for a specific task, knowledge transfer, or special event. Examples include:

    • Buzzfeed questionnaire application for a “What Matter’s Most” internal campaign where employees were asked how they would react to different scenarios and based on answers application would determine what mattered most to them, i.e. Creativity, Family, Fun, Connections. Also developed a separate Microsoft Word script to connect to database of form submissions and auto generate shipping labels with each employee’s identified category, t-shirt size, and shipping address based on their response for campaign. Labels were sent to printing company for t-shirt printing and distribution.

    • 360 Manager/Employee Survey where managers and their direct reports answered series of questions and based on their answers a radial graph was generated showing comparisons of their results, highlighting areas of similarity.

    • Custom sales lead form for booth at CES where prospective clients could fill out a quick form on tablet or kiosk and using Salesforce API created new sales lead record for later contact.

    • Knowledge transfer tools for sales team to quickly generate charts and visuals based on specific sales or incentive metrics to add to their presentations or share in their regional sale meetings with their clients.


Project 08

I’m a reliable team member known for excellent communication skills and the ability to adapt to diverse environments. Efficiently handles modifications, requests, and feedback from colleagues, clients, and vendors, ensuring all parties' needs are met. Skilled at managing multiple projects within tight deadlines and adapting work styles accordingly. Quick to learn new programming languages, software, and business processes. Enjoys being challenged and consistently thinks outside the box to find innovative and creative solutions. Always considers all potential scenarios and use-cases during design and development phases.